Get Started With Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

There was a time when posting on facebook was more than enough as the audience got direct access to the content through those posts without any restrictions and filters. All you needed was a page for your brand, but later all the followers didn’t get the content unless they chose to follow the content. Liking the page wasn’t sufficient anymore. Over time, the number of pages, facebook users, and businesses have increased tremendously leading to increased competition and change in facebook algorithm. This is the story of facebook alone, and there are many other social media network stories.

Hence, posting alone is no longer sufficient and there’s more to social media marketing now. To increase brand awareness and increase sales, strategies are needed for which you need to spend a good amount of time and money. Standing out from competitors and competing with influencers is no joke.

Some Common Tips To Follow When Planning A Social Media Marketing Strategy

Today we will give you some common tips to get started with your social media marketing strategy for your brand.

1. Content Marketing

Content is everywhere and without it nothing is possible, especially marketing your brand. Whatever you post on social media sites, like facebook, twitter, instagram are all content in different forms like image, text, video, etc. You call it a tweet, a reel or shorts, a broadcast, a slide show, or status update. 

However, context is more important than content. Here is an example. Say, you post a quote or a joke in the middle of a 5000 word PDF or ebook or a 2000 word blog. Very few people who read the entire post will get to read it, but if you just tweet it on twitter or post it on instagram, many will see it and some may in fact, share it further. Similarly, you cannot post a 1000 word blog on twitter. Nobody will read it because the audience there are looking for short reads.

2. Hashtags

You know the popularity of hashtags and their importance. These are used for adding meta information on social media sites. These tags describe the topic you posted or just mark it as current trends. Users get to tap on it and get all the content related to it easily. So this helps you grab the attention of the audience already showing interest on the topic you have posted.


We definitely want the users to engage in the content we post but oftentimes we forget about the importance of the share button. The time your user shares your content after engaging in it is the time to celebrate because s/he is literally spreading it and helping you in brand awareness, promotions, and sales. So, focus on creating content that can be shared by your audience.

4. Engagement

This is a common term used in general and it can be a reaction like clicking on the like button, commenting on the post, clicking on the button and interacting, etc.

Understand The Core Pillars of Your Social Media Marketing

You see, all the successful businesses with a successful social media marketing strategy have their 5 core pillars set right and strong. Let’s take a look at all the 5 of them one by one.

1. Strategy

Your social media marketing strategy is the backbone of your brand presence on these sites. You can’t afford to waste time without it. Else, you will end up wasting time, money without reaching goals and wasted struggle to reach your audience. Your target should be to bring the right content to the right audience at the right time. So, your focus should be to:

  • Create attractive and valuable content
  • Increase your audience’s engagement
  • Boost conversions

Then measure it followed by setting benchmarks to observe how things are going so that you can change your approach when and where needed.

2. Plan Before You Publish

You cannot publish just anything anytime without a proper plan. You should:

  • Know your brand’s audience: Know the demographics to connect with them.
  • Look for quality: It’s more important than the quantity, else there’s no use in posting regularly.
  • Brand values: make sure your content is in-line with your brand values.
  • Be consistent in posting.

3. Listen And Engage

You cannot engage your audience if you don’t listen to them. You definitely won’t always get positive feedback, but if you don’t make changes accordingly, the negative feedback will never turn to positive. If you really want to enhance customer experience, you must practice listening to them. You should also consider the following:

  • Check for new trends
  • Look for new streams of income
  • Have more industry insights
  • Connect with more influencers in your industry

4. Analytics

After all the hard work, you cannot Analytics as this is where you can see the results. Not just to see the results, but it is needed to make your next move based on the numbers. With the help of analytics, you will be able to:

  • Know user behaviour
  • Improve your strategy
  • Find the best working platform for your brand
  • Know the best time to post
  • Analyze your industry competitors

This will help you know what works for you and what not so that you can decide where not to waste time and where to invest more time.

5. Advertising

Organic views, sales, etc. aren’t sufficient if you really want to grow. You need to invest money on advertising on social media sites as well. What are the main types of social media advertising?

  • Organic advertising: You don’t have to pay for this and you get views and sales naturally.
  • Paid advertising: You will have to invest some money based on your budget.
  • Earned: This content was shared, liked, and got comments which is all for free.

Many ways of advertising on social media networks:

  • Content creation in the form of posts, images, and videos
  • Content promotion and/or sponsored
  • Content promotion in the relevant groups by interacting with people in the same industry
  • Increase followers by creating content that interests them the most.
  • Providing downloadable content like PDFs, PPTs, white papers, podcasts, videos, etc.

Not to forget, a website is also very important to promote your business. Here are some user-friendly website creation guidelines. Work on your social media marketing strategy for your business growth. But if you’re not sure where to get started with social media marketing, read how to get started with social media marketing.

Finally but not the least, you should make yourself available on social media sites to your audiences or customers so that they can connect with you. This helps in better conversions and humans like to interact with humans than robots and brands. Instead of waiting for feedback, invite it. If you need further help in getting started, then Isacme is here as the best social media marketing agency in Hyderabad. Write to us.

Isacme Can Help You Manage Your Social Media Marketing

It’s time you let us plan and implement it to boost your business. Book an appointment now.

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